Huge Gallery Update!
Hello everyone,
I guess most of you thought by now that I abandoned this site but thankfully you are wrong.

I just uploaded about one year of new Zizou pictures to the gallery, in fact over 900 pictures!
I'm also working on updating the magazine archives.
I hope you enjoy the new stuff.
I am not Zinedine Zidane!
Dear everyone,
since I continue to receive E-mails trying to contact Zizou, I guess I have to remind everyone that this is just a FANSITE. A site for fans made BY A FAN. I have sadly never met Zizou, I have no contact to him or his representatives.
Thus I can't help you if you want to talk to him, have his autograph or want him to support a cause.
His OFFICIAL website is !! If you want to contact him, this is the way, not me.
Thanks a lot for reading
Marion (Yes, NOT Zinedine...!!)
PS: For those who actually visit this website because it is a fansite...I hope I will soon have time to finally make an update. However I am right now working on finishing my Bachelor's degree. Thus I have lots of work to do for university. I will try to find time for an update though!
More than 500 new pictures!
Hello fellow fangirls/boys,
Finally! I managed to upload the pictures I collected during the past...erm...4 months! (ie the time I didn't update this lovely gallery)
For now I only uploaded pictures of Zizou's recent appearances with a few exceptions. (go and search for them...*hehe*)
There are now pictures from 14 different events in the Public Appearances section. They include many pictures from the 2010 World Cup, Soccer Aid, the Luxembourg charity match (many taken by me!), the ELA ambassador prize, the announcement of France as the host of the 2016 Euros etc.
I also added the two most recent photoshoots from Vogue Hommes as well as the Vincent Urbani photoshoot.
Last but not least I added the most recent picture we have, which are from Ibiza.
I hope you like this update!
More pictures will follow as well as new wallpapers and icons.
As soon as my term at university ends, which will be after next week, I will finish the layout! (yes, this will indeed happen at some point...)
See you soon and I hope you are all patient :)